Z Transform Calculator

  1. Z Transform Transfer Function
  2. Online Z Transform Calculator
  3. Z Transform Calculator

This transformer calculator helps you to quickly and easily calculate the primary and secondary full-load currents of the transformer. It also determines the turns ratio and type of transformer. User Instructions: Select the number of phases from the drop-down menu. Z Transform Calculator - fasrtalk. J-1 Laplace Transform Time Function z-Transform 1 Unit impulse (t)1Unit step u s (t)t e t te t 1 te sin t e t sin t cos t e t cos t z2 ze aT cos vT z2 2ze aT cos vT e 2aT s a 1s a22 v2 z1z cos vT2 z2 2z cos vT 1 s s2 2v ze aT sin vT z2 T2ze a cos vT e 2aT v 1s a22 2v z sin vT z2 2z cos vT 1 v s2 2v 11 e aT2z 1z 121z Te a 2 a s1s a2 Tze aT 1z e aT22 1 1s a2 z z Te a 1 s a lim aS0 1n 12 n n! Using this table for Z Transforms with discrete indices. Commonly the 'time domain' function is given in terms of a discrete index, k, rather than time. This is easily accommodated by the table. For example if you are given a function: Since t=kT, simply replace k in the function definition by k=t/T. So, in this case.

Compute the Z-transform of sin(n). By default, the transform is in terms of z.

Specify Independent Variable and Transformation Variable

Compute the Z-transform of exp(m+n). By default, the independent variable is n and the transformation variable is z.

Specify the transformation variable as y. If you specify only one variable, that variable is the transformation variable. The independent variable is still n.


Specify both the independent and transformation variables as m and y in the second and third arguments, respectively.

Z-Transforms Involving Heaviside Function and Binomial Coefficient


Compute the Z-transform of the Heaviside function and the binomial coefficient.

Z Transform Transfer Function

Z Transform Calculator

Find the Z-transform of the matrix M. Specify the independent and transformation variables for each matrix entry by using matrices of the same size. When the arguments are nonscalars, ztrans acts on them element-wise.

Online Z Transform Calculator

If ztrans is called with both scalar and nonscalar arguments, then it expands the scalars to match the nonscalars by using scalar expansion. Nonscalar arguments must be the same size.

Compute the Z-transform of symbolic functions. When the first argument contains symbolic functions, then the second argument must be a scalar.

If ztrans cannot transform the input then it returns an unevaluated call.

Return the original expression by using iztrans.

Z Transform Calculator

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